Friday, 4 June 2010

Beginning Again

*blows off the cobwebs* Well, hello there!
Guess what? I am done with University. Well, not officially at the moment, it's true. I still have to graduate, after all. But the last essay (or rather, the beast of a dissertation: female power and the courtly mistress in 16th century English poetry in case you're interested) has been handed in, the last exam has been sat, and the 7.5 million trees worth of notes have been stuffed in boxes for storage.
And it feels weird. Crazy weird. Shouldn't I be analysing something? Reading too much into something? Finding the phallic imagery in "The Cat Sat on the Mat"? Nope. Nothing to do now except knit, knit and be merry. Also knit.
Now, this knitting ad infinitum is all very well but I think I'm going to need a few goals to stop me from wasting time. Clearly everything must be turned into work!

1. Design a sweater from start to finish. Grade it for multiple sizes (this part has me quaking in my patent leather pumps)

2. Learn to sew. Properly. Begin with Amy Butler Birdie Sling, version 2.0. End by designing own dress.

3. Learn to cook things other than pasta bolognese. Also cupcakes.

4. Master colourwork. Definitely begin with fair isle.

5. Get designs written up. Publish online. Maybe even try submitting them somewhere...

6. Blog at least 3 times a week. Actually post on Ravelry forums once in a while. Establish online presence. Take over world.

Ok, now that they're all written out I'm thinking I might have been a wee bit ambitious. Time will tell. In the mean time! Just before I left halls for good, A and I had a bit of a photoshoot and so I shall close this post with one of my favourites. This is the beautiful Haruni shawl which I urge you all to go out and knit right away. Details can be found at my Ravelry page.


  1. Your shawl looks so lovely, but your HAIRDO is AMAZING!

    Congrats on getting ready to graduate, and good luck with your post-uni goals. Sounds like a load of fun. :-)

  2. Emily: Thank you :) I had about 5 inches of hair cut off the other day so I'll have to use a hair rat if I want to pull off that look again any time soon.
    It's a shame Blogger doesn't let me reply directly to your comment.
