Saturday, 14 May 2016

Weekly roundup (with added pink)

This week (OK, OK, week and a half; I'm still getting back in the swing of this blogging thing, mmkay?) I have:

1. Bought some beautiful roses, that are doing extremely well considering they were £3 from Sainsburys. This is important, as these roses will feature prominently in the rest of this post.

2. Done a whole lot of knitting on my Bowland cardigan. I am completely obsessed with it. Yes, I chose pink in the end, not red. Yes, there is also extra pink in the middle. It's completely girly. #sorrynotsorry.

Bowland in all of its pink and girly glory
Bowland and roses, because pink
3. Put together three (!) Ikea wardrobes together on my own. No photos, because I'm sure you can picture what three white Ikea wardrobes look like. Although they do fit so perfectly along the wall that they look almost like fitted wardrobes, which is quite impressive!

4. Manage to scrape a fair bit of skin off my thumb putting together said wardrobes, then managed to burn myself on the same thumb a couple of days later. My thumb is now very sore and covered in plasters, so that I can still knit (see point 2.). Naturally it would be my right thumb, which is what I hook under my right needle so it comes into contact with the wool the most. Ouch!

5. Made, photographed and ate lemon drizzle cake. It was actually incredibly easy (I used this recipe: BBC Good Food Lemon Drizzle Cake) and definitely edible, so we can add lemon drizzle cake to my baking range (so far: rock cakes, scones, cherry sponge cake). 

Told you the roses would feature a lot
6. Started teaching a lovely little group to crochet at my Beginner's Crochet class at Loop, London on Wednesday evening. I decided to make the most of my ticket into London by popping in to the V & A Museum during the afternoon before my class. Wandering through the Fashion collection is always fun (I may have also done a little bit of damage in the shop too. The notebooks were just too lovely to resist!)

The most beautiful shade of pink, ever.
I hope you also had a lovely week (with or without all the pink)!

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